November is Fall Prevention Month | Exquisicare


November is Fall Prevention Month

November is Fall Prevention Month

Falls are a part of life and can occur at any given time, from birth into our senior years. However, when a toddler falls, we pick them up, pat them on the bum and smile, then away they go. As we get older, and when we fall, those laughs are soon replaced with concerns and questions to make sure everything is okay. When a senior falls, it can be  catastrophic.

In fact, the number one cause of injury in elders is falls. These falls can result not only in minor cuts and bruises but also in hip fractures, or even more seriously, head and brain injuries that can be fatal. Often because of the potential for serious injury, elders tend to avoid activities in fear of a recurring fall.

There are many causes of falls. From slippery floors, tripping hazards, or not seeing an item that may pose a risk. Most commonly, falls occur in the home where the elder feels safe and secure. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the homes are safe and focused on fall prevention.

At ExquisiCare, we focus on fall prevention by ensuring that our elders have a care plan. This care plan reviews any aids that the elder may require for mobility. Our staff are familiar with the needs of each of the elders and are both educated and equipped with assisted lifting techniques and devices. We ensure that there are no cords on the floors and that there are barriers at the tops and bottoms of our stairs, using the elevator to move the elders between floors. Our washrooms are all equipped with necessary handrails to assist the elders. Our homes are inspected for safety on a regular basis to ensure any loose flooring or carpet is addressed. The elders at our ExquisiCare homes dress comfortably and wear appropriate footwear.

Elders who are still living at home can also make the necessary changes without a lot of renovations, if any. To prevent falls at home, senior healthcare providers suggest making just a few changes and offer the following advice:

  1. Remove clutter.
  2. Remove tripping hazards (i.e. wires, rugs, etc.).
  3. Install grab bars and handrails in washrooms and on stairways, even in the hallways.
  4. Wear comfortable clothing that is not too loose or baggy.
  5. Ensure the home is well lit. Using motion sensor lighting during the evening or night hours.
  6. Wear non-slip slippers or shoes at home.
  7. Ensure surfaces that are slippery when wet have a non-slip mat.
  8. If possible, live on one level to avoid use of stairs.
  9. When moving, do so with care and attention taking your time.


Awareness for fall prevention can significantly reduce injuries for elders and keep elders living at home safely.


Fall Prevention Month